Editor's Desk

‘Sandhyarag’ is the maiden venture of the ‘We are above Sixty’ (WaaS) group on Facebook, at publishing the creative work of its members. As a maiden venture, Sandhyarag makes a humble yet powerful beginning, by presenting a rich bouquet of poetry, prose and graphic art, revolving around the life and times of its members.

WaaS was founded on 11 October, 2013. Beginning with just two members, it has grown to a membership of over 2,600. Besides meeting on-line, the group members have been undertaking monthly meets in Kolkata, and outdoor excursions to nearby tourist places.

A month back a proposal was mooted to bring out a compilation of the creative work of the members in a space and format less temporal than Facebook, where as we know, the postings get pushed down into oblivion with time, buried under heaps of comments and subsequent posts. The proposal receiving lusty cheer from many members, an editorial board was formed with:

          1) Aloke K Chatterjee
          2) Kamal K Datta
          3) Milton K Paul
          4) Pradip K Dey
          5) Shishir Kant Misra

The board received the first contribution on 2 September, 2014, and continued to receive them beyond the target date of 15 September 2014.

The editors are now happy to deliver the fruits of their labour in the hands of the WaaS members on the auspicious day of Mahalaya, the 23 September 2014, with warm greetings for the festive session, and the fond hope that the members will enjoy the perusal.

The editors wish all the member and all the readers of Sandhyarag a happy festive time in the coming days.



I am very happy to see the wonderful achievement as ‘Sandhyarag’ of our group.
Thanks to the editorial board ! Happy Mahalaya !


I am very happy to see the wonderful achievement as ‘Sandhyarag’ of our group.
Thanks to the editorial board ! Happy Mahalaya !

Bijit Kumar Roy said...

আপনাদের এই সার্থক প্রচেষ্টা সর্বান্তকরণে প্রশংসনীয়

It is an wonderful blend of Prose and Poetry by still Young members of WaaS.

ये प्रचेस्टा प्रशंशनीय